Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Power of FOCUS

Did you know that the thing one focuses on expands? If you focus on success, it will become reality and it will surely expand. It will be at the fore-front of your thought process and will introduce ideas to you of how you can attain your dreams. In the same manner, if you focus on fearful defeat and failure within your mindset, it is likely to respond to your innermost 'invitation'. The question that may follow the foregoing paragraph may then be 'how do you control those negative thoughts that come uninvited into your mind?' In the course of this short write-up, the answer should be clear to you. People are usually prone to focus on their weaknesses in an effort to eliminate these faults. Sadly, the result is that the more focus they direct towards the elimination of these faults, the higher the probability that they will get 'rewarded' with unwanted repeated errors, which further disheartens them.

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